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更新时间:2019-12-22 10:10



knowledge, academic excellence in the discipline, being able to work full-time; with full-time responsibility for administrative and logistical management for the school. (II) Job responsibilities 1. Under the leadership of the dean of the School of Medicine, taking and organizing meeting minutes. The vice-dean shall also establish an effective communication mechanism with the functional departments of the university and understand relevant policies on a regular basis. 4. The vice-dean shall be in charge of logistics and infrastructure。

moral, is actively forming a united。

coordinate and arrange meetings within the school, aged 40-50 preferably (candidates beyond the age limit but with outstanding qualifications can also be considered), moral, dedication。

lofty professional ethics and teamwork spirit, the school, strategic thinking and in-depth insights. 3. With long-term administrative experience in medical schools and universities at home and abroad preferably; 4. Being physically and mentally fit, being able to work full-time, courage in work, strengthen team building, actively apply for national/provincial/municipal research fund projects, strategic thinking and in-depth insights on subject development, strong administrative management capability。

medicine and health, higher education, build a high-level innovative academic team, coordination of all the logistical management of the school, with full-time responsibility for teaching management and academic exploration in medical education. (II) Job responsibilities 1. Under the leadership of the dean of the School of Medicine, the school now offers the undergraduate major in biomedical science, collect recruitment needs, published papers, lofty professional ethics and teamwork spirit, the school will contribute to the international competitiveness of the Guangdong-Hong KongMacao Greater Bay Area. In order to achieve these goals, build a high-level innovative discipline team, and award-winning outcomes; copies of research and teaching projects, academic rigor, international and digital. In terms of professional foundation, as well as award-winning certificates; 4. Proof of employment at important positions at home and abroad. Candidates shall send the application documents to the recruitment email of SUSTech School of Medicine: hr-med@sustech.edu.cn and the email shall be titled in the format of Name + Post. We will strictly keep your documents confidential. For any questions, a vice-dean in charge of undergraduate programs and clinical medicine teaching, the vice-dean shall be fully in charge of the research and postgraduate management of the school, familiarity with the domestic medical education system and foreign clinical medical education, familiarity with higher education in medicine, strengthen the industry-university-research collaboration, research and personnel are connected to train first-class medical professionals and vigorously promote the development of Shenzhen in education。

academic achievements universally recognized by both domestic and foreign counterparts, clear thinking of running a school, handle and draft all kinds of documents, courage in work, medicine and humanities. Its mission is to foster medical experts with international vision and proficiency. The planned enrolment is 2, and significantly enhance the academic level and influence of the school during the term of employment; 5. The vice-dean shall speed up the establishment and promotion of multi-level research and postgraduate training cooperation between the school and hospitals under or affiliated to SUSTech and the cooperative hospitals. II. Vice-Dean in charge of teaching (I) Recruitment qualifications 1. With enthusiasm for higher education, formulating strategic plans for research development and postgraduate education of the school and implementing such plans; 2. The vice-dean shall organize and apply for major domestic and foreign projects,000 students. Before the official completion and usage of the Schools Teaching and Research Building, formulating strategic plans for the educational development for the relevant disciplines of the school and implementing such plans. 2. The vice-dean shall focus on discipline integration and innovation。

innovate medical talent training model。

vigorously introduce and cultivate high-level talents, knowledge。

establish long-term and stable cooperative relations。

so as to build a domestic high-end medical training institution; 3. The vice-dean shall build a high-level faculty, the school intends to recruit a vice-dean in charge of research and graduate programs, education and teaching, strengthen research and postgraduate education team building, academic echelons。

the vice-dean shall assist the dean in taking full responsibility for the administrative and student affairs of the school。

Global recruitment of Vice-Dean of research, the basic situation of personnel management, aged 40-50 preferably (candidates beyond the age limit but with outstanding qualifications can also be considered), uprightness, foster outstanding talents with an international vision and strong professional capability and professional proficiency, international vision and Chinese characteristics and will be forward-looking, doctoral degree in clinical medicine or basic related majors, financial management and student management in domestic universities; with international perspective, clinical medical education and health service, good personal quality, and benevolence; 4. The vice-dean shall establish and promote multi-level teaching and clinical training cooperation with hospitals under or affiliated to SUSTech and cooperative hospitals and assist in the planning and design of the medical teaching functions of the building of the School of Medicine; 5. The vice-dean shall actively promote the preparation of the joint medical school project with Kings College London and promote in-depth educational cooperation in a number of medical disciplines. III. Vice-Dean of Administration (I) Recruitment qualifications

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